Tribute Acts
Our Coffee Mornings are a lovely way to meet up and have a chat with friends. Everyone welcome!

Film Nights
Come and see our seasonal, eco-sustainable Plants and Produce, with a coffee and friendly chat!

Children’s Parties
‘Gwehelog News’ is our monthly newsletter that provides information about what’s going on!

TOM JONES aka Simon Howard

Saturday Night BeeGees

Queen – Real Magic

The Beatles for Sale – Beatles

NEIL DIAMOND aka Bob Drury

ELVIS PRESLEY aka Keith Davies

ABBA – Bjorn to Rock

ELVIS PRESLEY aka Keith Davies
There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
Rachel Carson
- Periwinkle
- Wild Cherry
- Crocus
- Dandelion
- Anemone
- Pussy Willow
- Daffodils
- Wild Primrose
- Forget-Me-Not
- Magnolia
- Forsythia
- Rosemary
- Garden Daisy
- Muscari
- Buttercup

A Beautiful World
Its an amazing world we live in… birds, bees and butterflies. Lovely and dsquahy.

Hello, bees are good and necessary
Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.

I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center.
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
Old Raglan Road
Nr Usk
NP15 1RB
BOOKING of events, parties etc:
Tel: Brian on 01291 673231
℅ The Bradus
Nr Usk
NP15 1RE

Tickets available!
Old Raglan Road
Nr Usk
NP15 1RB
BOOKING of events, parties etc:
Tel: Brian on 01291 673231
℅ The Bradus
Nr Usk
NP15 1RE

?TOM JONES TRIBUTE Tickets available!?
Please contact Annis on 01291 673231
Email Annis at: tickets@gwehelogvillagehall.org.uk
Hi there

Our Bookshare is located in the conservatory. We have had some wonderful books for you to enjoy!

Litter Pick
Our Litter Pickers do an incredible job and are often out for over an hour each pick! Join us, everyone welcome!

Our community defibrillator is located in the conservatory. We also hold defibrillator training events.

Coffee Mornings
Our Coffee Mornings are a lovely way to meet up and have a chat with friends.
Everyone welcome!

Plants & Produce
Come and see our seasonal, eco-sustainable Plants and Produce, along with a coffee and friendly chat!

Gwehelog News
‘Gwehelog News’ is our monthly newsletter that provides information about what’s going on and more!