Housekeeping doesn’t mean only cleanliness, it’s a lot more than this.
Effective Housekeeping is an on-going operation and includes the Administration and practical aspects of running the Hall so that we can ensure a safe and legally sound community environment.
We are all volunteer ‘Housekeepers’ and do our very best to maintain a fully functional Community Hall for everyone to enjoy.
Some examples of paper Administration include keeping ‘Records’ – upkeep of books (Annis), writing our ‘Data Protection’ policy (Robert W) and updating our latest ‘Coronavirus’ information (Sue). To view CLICK below:

ABOVE: Annis planting some young Spring flowers. TOP RIGHT: Jane cleaning the conservatory windows. MIDDLE RIGHT: Rob is putting up some bird boxes he built. BOTTOM RIGHT: Roger and helpers making sandwiches for the buffet for our ‘Tribute Night’.
All sorts of jobs count as ‘Housekeeping’.
Some examples of the practical aspects of the general upkeep and maintenance of the Hall include gardening, cleaning, fixing and kitchen volunteers.
A MASSIVE thanks to all of you.